I designed the “STAN SMITH PLAY” based on an idea I conceived when working on an exhibition for adidas in the past. After the exhibition, I followed up the idea in order to find a way to re-work Stan Smith and bring it back to the original condition later, because I really like the shoe as it is without any modification.
Thus, I came up with this idea of threading the perforations, which allows you to bring the shoe back to the original condition if you cut and remove the thread. The concept was very simple.
“STAN SMITH PLAY”はある過去のadidasの展示の際に考えたアイデアを元に製作しています。 当時の展示会の後、本当は手を施さないそのままのstansmithが好きな自分は、すぐに元の状態で履けるようにと考えていました。 そこで穴にステッチというアイデアであれば糸をカットして無傷の状態で履けるという何ともシンプルな発想から来たものでした。